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Hello guys! This is our first week having Agrosan full time, he has been working a lot so we have more content for Aurora but we can't show it on a public post and we are working on the version's ending too. This week is going to have a lot going on for Colony (Finally!!), we have to talk to our voice actresses too so version 0.3 is finally on the horizon. In spite of that NBNL has been growing fast too.

So as always let's talk specifics of Lust Colony here, right now Sophie and Aurora's scene is ready as well as the background, so to finish we need Sophie and Zeena's scene, the ending image and Erika's bonus. Airsum is working currently on the ending and it looks good and right now Agrosan is working on Zeena's scene. That will be up way faster than Aurora's.

For NBNL you are seeing the result of the officer's poll from last week, about what's on Nicole TV, I will leave it as a mystery for our non officers but it's going to be a reality show called the cat house and this is one of the participants. The TV show won't be so in dept, it's more something that the characters watch and talk about, so don't worry about loosing focus or adding 7 new characters to mess everything up, but I wanted since the original to have something on the TV that characters could talk about.

We have some extra news for this week about us now our reports will be on Thursday, as of right now we don't have a poll or something to offer you before Thursday, but this week we hope to have more to show. 

And that was our report for the week! 

Have a nice day!




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