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Hello guys and happy new year! This will be the last report of 2020, but as the last couple reports we want to add the checklists so you know how far away we are from each game's new version. 

For Lust Colony, aside from Cheba's scene that will be in Lust Vessel too as some kind of bonus in both games, we decided to postpone the Akedian for Alpha 2 so the first alpha hopefully will be up in January. Game at least for now is working, I mean the bones of the game like the layered images and the map, but as soon as we have more images I'll be able to show more stuff here ( I do post failures and more bare bones stuff on the discord though)

On the other side Agrosan and I have been talking and we want to make a more ambitious project, with some kind of animations and with some degree of voice acting for the animations you'll have to wait until at least Alpha 2, maybe voice acting reaches Alpha 1, but we aren't doing promises for those 2 yet.

Checklist for Colony  

 3.5/5 backgrounds  

3.5/4 sprites 

0.5/2  scenes 

0/3 mini scenes  

0% GUI  

70% Story  

10% Dialogue

For NBNL, we have 4 scenes out of the 12, next week I'll be able to work harder since there won't be so much time cooking and buying food for the family/friends like in christmas and new year. 

That's our last report of the year, we hope you had a grat year and we look forward to seeing you next year too :D




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