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Hello guys! As promised last week we have a new image to show for our futanari catgirl, now she has a name Britney "Brit" Lancer (and a size comparison as a small bonus), aside from that we decided to make a checklist for our game, in that way you will be able to see what is left for us to do! By the way, for our Tourist tier patrons NBNL 0.7 will be available for you tomorrow (here

For our work speed, I'm almost at full speed, last week I told you I'm almost done with my assignments but I have time for work, hopefully tomorrow I'm done completely, on Agrosan side, he will be free on Tuesday, so expect him going back on full speed probably by Thursday.

Checklist for Colony 

3.5/5 backgrounds

3/5 sprites

0/2 or 3 scenes

0/4 mini scenes

0% GUI

50% Story

0% Dialogue

Now let's dissect a little our stuff, this checklist is for the first alpha of the game. That 0.5 of a background missing is our "outside" background that wasn't in the correct resolution or format we asked for, so Agrosan has some reworking to do and the other background we haven't started it yet, for the sprites, suprisingly Britney is almost done but Zeena needs more work, of course Sophie and Aurora are ready since last year. For the proper scenes we'll add as a "video" the scene for Cheba you voted for and depending on time we'll have one slightly larger scene or 2 normal size scenes, the mini scenes are at least in this version the character's introduction.  

For NBNL, I intend to make shorter version, so those who like the game don't have to wait 3 months for a version ever again, I think version 0.8 would be out on December's last week or January's first I'm aiming to do a 10-12 scene version so it's more manageable, probably next week I'll have a mini checklist for NBNL too since Agrosan came up with the checklist idea just now.

That was our report for the week! We hope you like our new ideas and we are working hard this last weeks of the year to make it up to you for the beginning of this month.

Have a nice day!


