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Hello guys! Here we have 3 different options for Nicole, for NBNL characters have realistic natural hair colors (Sammy is a blonde but she also died her pubes), so we last time we were talking about it with Agrosan came the idea of Nicole going back to her original hair color later in the game.  In the end, we weren't sure which color would fit her the best, so in doubt ask the patrons :D.

She won't be going back to this hair in this version but we will be seeing her in her original form.



H.E. Pennypacker

Will she have the option to go back? Or will it happen at a fixed point in the story, even if she's accepted accepted Nicole's lifestyle?


For Nicole's looks at least for hard to change stuff I prefer to have only one. I mean staying with her color or changing it wouldn't be an option for coherence. Otherwise I would have to make 2 versions of each scene she is in and aside from the doble work it would mean the game would be twice as heavy. At least for the tattoo it could be optional to remove since it doesn't show up in every scene, but her hair does.