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Imma be real, surveying for this poll was horrible lol Everyone's either a boomer hanging onto jpeg'd waifus from the 80's-90's or suggesting "I'm not a furry but-" bait. Someone also gave me a Lizard??? I just wanna draw a snoot ; -; Where are my real furries???? lmao But that's in part why I'm even doing this poll to begin with. I want to build more furry content again. Sprinkled in are some suggestions I got from my certified furry artist friends. 

As with my polls, the winner will be getting an image set comprised of one SFW pinup and 3+ NSFW images. Depending on who the runner up is, they will get second place prize of content but this is not guaranteed. Image set will be available by next months "April 2022 Content Dump". Happy voting all. 


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