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Hi people ^^

Here I come to leave you the conceptual arts of the new design that I want to give to Veronica, I have seen that many confuse it with She-Venom and they are right, it is only a She-Venom, so I wanted to redesign it to have a more original appearance, And after a long time thinking about a good design, I finished with this.

It's still a sketch and I can make some changes to it to make it look better, but at the moment this is the best I can think of.

At the moment it is only a redesign of the symbiotic suit, since I like the design of human Veronica, although I will also redraw it for the image that I will publish in DA with the redesign.

But tell me, what do you think of the redesign? What can I change or fix? I read them.

See you soon ^^




She's a lot more distinct, now. This new design gives her a lot more personality. :D I like the lavander and white colors, the new flame-like shape of her eyes, the white shape-shifting tendrils, the torn stockings, her solid sexy abs... but the cherry on top of the sunday is her LIPS ! They make her very expressive, attractive and... kissable ? ^^' She seems to have a very mischievous smile and that looks good on her. She's a lot more expressive in many ways. Definitely an upgrade, congratulations !


I like! But I'm wondering how she would look if the solid white parts on her legs and arms were replaced with white veins like the movie Venom, akin to the black parts of Carnage or Shriek and other symbiote spawn? 👀


She look nice very nice I like her. I really love the look of her face, mouth, tongue and eyes. Keep it up 😁