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Hi people ^^

Here I bring you the second drawing of the month, which is neither more nor less than Luz Noceda, a character from The Owl House.

I quite like this series and I had been wanting to make a drawing with its characters for a while, and yes, I have my eye on Odalia, Eda and Lilith for future drawings.

The idea of this drawing is basically something that I took from one of the episodes of the second season, Odalia uses Luz as the victim to test her inventions to the public, most of them being almost lethal things, but what if the objective is not to eliminate someone if not get information? Well, this is how Odalia creates the best torture machine and of course, Luz is the one who tests this machine, she being tortured with tickles.

Well I hope you like it ^^

PS: This Luz is my 18-year-old version.




A fun piece and I look forward what other ideas you have in store for the other characters. Especially Eda and Lilith


Amazing work she look amazing and well done. She going to be there for a long time. Loved the way she is tied up. Her feet look so nice and well done. Amazing work on the background. Loved the colour. I give this 14 out of 10 top score and in the hot zone.