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Did the Grand Serpent take the long way round?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/doctor-who-13x05-full/



Yes, I think the thing he does with the weird Tremors worms works similarly to the Weeping Angels. The worms comes out with whatever years the person has left, then get absorbed into the Grand Serpent.


No tmi think he just time jumped

Hugh Burke

Characters keep saying that not only does Prentes not age but he's barely present, only popping up when it really matters. I think Kate's question is supposed to make it explicit that he's been hopping through time to key moments.


I don't think he took the long way. He doesn't seem like he has a lot of patience.


I don’t think he took the long way round. I think he is going to be linked to the tunnels in some way. I think this whole story is going to fold in on itself with the ultimate fold being the doctor regenerating and falling through to the new universe as the old one dies and being the young child and having the show follow the “original” doctor and having the entire show / series be a huge time loop


Well I think he jumped around alot because snakes only live for 9 years.


Based on how observant Kate is, I'm inclined to agree with her deductions that the Grand Serpent is using time-travel. The guy choosing the new UNIT chairman rejected him as a candidate due to coming and going so often, which I feel plays more into the time-travel theory rather than being elsewhere in that time which would add the question: what is he doing on the side? More likely, I feel the Grand Serpent is a rogue Division agent using time-travel to exploit and manipulate situations like UNIT's creation in order to establish his own empire capable of overpowering the Division. It would make sense given the themes of Time and Space in this season, and the Grand Serpent having many fingers in many pies at the right place and time.

Jeanette C

I trust Kate. He cheated somehow.


Serpent Shmerpent. Let’s talk about how Bel and Vinder are probably The Doctor’s parents.