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Is Joe REALLY dead?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-8x02-full/



I feel like he is dead, but due to the crossover, it won't be permanent. Hopefully, something that happens in the rest of the crossover will fix everything, whatever that may be. Or they can just kill off a character that has literally been here since the first episode, with him dying entirely offscreen. Yeah, I doubt they'll do that. But I do like the theory that it's Thawne's fault. I hope it's true, because it would be awesome to see him again.


They killed joe?? How?


Naah, I feel like they're gonna "fix" all the bad stuff thats happened this crossover, like Gideon getting deleted and Star Labs getting destroyed


No of course he isn't but if he is I'm done not watching the flash ever again


considering the actor is in the credits still i’m gonna say no


I think he is dead, but through the events of the Crossover, they will find a way to bring him back.


I have zero ideas how he’s alive, maybe it’s just hope.

The Amazing Webhead

Nah! I don’t think so! Knowing how these shows work. No one is never really gone plus they might revert it back to normal. Lol


From a production standpoint, if Joe really was going to die offscreen due to an issue with the actor or something they wouldn’t include him in the intro of the show (similar to how the removed Hartley Sawyer/Elongated Man), they would definitely bring the actor back if he really was going to die, so no, I don’t think he’s dead, I think Barry will time-travel at some stage to change the past back to normal, and I don’t think this will have any bad Flashpoint effects as Reverse Flash changed the past and Barry would simply be fixing it


I don’t think so without the flashing setting up a big episode that kills him off since he is a big character but since he died off screen I say no


I think he is dead. Otherwise, where would he be?


I don’t think anyone switched up the timeline. Maybe it happened after season 7s finale, but with Barry going crazy, he might go back in time save him

Kevin Morris

I think he is dead, but will not be dead by the end, either by time travel or undoing whatever weirdness is going on. Regarding the baby Hitler debate, I've always wondered where Eric's line is. If he were in the process of writing out orders to do bad things would it be justified or do the things actually have to happen first?

rickie woodson

zolthar was right, barry really is basic. telepath villain around? yeah let me confront her so she can control my mind so i make sure despero's future comes true. he really needs to watch more tv, read more comics and get more common sense. 1. get some psychic defenses 2. YOU cant be the one to confront her, duh

rickie woodson

its not rather or not he's really dead for me but rather or not barry is going to mess with the timeline to erase his death like he tried with his mom aka flashpoint 2.0. i mean in the comics despero is a VILLAIN so im not trusting that he is on the up and up. he could be lying about this future event and is just controlling barry the whole time including erasing his memory of joe's death. we will see.........


I don’t think he’s dead, just because I don’t believe they would write off his character with an offscreen death like that. No way they’d treat such a central character that way

Alex the Patron

Do you think that all of this could get to become a Superfriends/Justice League show after Flash Season 10? (in style of the animated one from the 90s) --> When do you think will we get Red Death?


I think he's dead at this point in time. But I think it can be 'reversed'


He is schrodinger’s joe both dead and alive until observed so meaning until you react to joe we can’t know it’s on you two to save him


Hey, Wait a minute! Why didn't Barry have Gideon scan the timeline before deleting everything? We could of known where Joe was!


I think he's dead but because of time shenanigans, he's not really "dead". My theory is that because there's a clear correlation between Joe's death and Barry's madness, both Barry and the team are going to struggle with how far they are willing to go to change the outcome of Joe's death. Especially with Despero breathing down their neck about this future Armageddon. And I am one who doesn't think Despero's mission is as wholesome as he claims.


If he's really dead it's an awful send off to such a long time character and actor.


I don’t think Joe is dead cause they wouldn’t kill him off screen. Erik I’m afraid you might be getting too excited about it being reverse flash and will be very disappointed in the season if it’s not him.


He is dead but will come back somehow


I think he’s dead for now, but it won’t stay that way.


I enjoyed how u two seem to be having a lot of fun discussing future possibilities for the flash, I feel like I haven’t seen you doing that for a long time.


I think a certain Speedster (not Barry) went back in time and changed things. This timelines Joe is dead but our main timeline he is still alive. Barry thinks Joe is alive because he is in his timeline, so the timeline was changed and it has taken hold of everyone except for Barry because Barry is a speedster so it takes longer for the timeline to set.


Maybe we’ll think he’s dead as a red herring but we’ll get him back and someone else will die.


Dont think Joe is dead but I already miss him.


I think Joe is dead for the time being, but later on Barry will attempt to save him or bring him back to life. I doubt Iris and Cecile would want to bury an empty coffin without looking in to what happened to Joe.


I think Joe is dead. I think Reverse-Flash went back in time an fucked up all the shit that went wrong in this episode, killed Joe, and did magic speedster reverse speed force voodoo shit to fuck with Barry. I think Barry will most likely go back and try to save Joe, and I think he'll succeed, perhaps to show how he's changed from the begging of the series where he chose not to save his mother from the same bad guy.