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  • animation-test---thicc-boi.mp4



So I recently picked up Clip Paint Studio. I've been using Sai ever since I started drawing and to be honest I'll probably stick with that as my primary drawing program because I'm so familiar with it, but the addition of animation features to CPS I wanted to try it out. I figured it would be useful to use for its comic making features as well, as I'd like to start doing more of that.

As practice I added some animation to that thicc boi butt pic I did recently (which you can download below). This may be a WIP, I might animate more parts of it. It's been really fun playing around with this and I'd like to do more with it.

Soft bois, IN MOTION.




Awesomeness, will the facial expressions in the bubble change at all?


Yeah I'd like it to. I played around with it earlier but it looked kinda goofy changing on such a short loop. If I can get it to look good I'll post an update.


Of course, the attention to detail and incredible determination you put in each piece is always amazing to see during the process


This is exciting!