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As I said Im not taking ur money until i have a build. I just wana concentrate on it instead of trying to rush things.

I've found a voice actress and a composer for the project so its going great. Also, I've figured out a way to actually animate taking off clothing so that's gonna be crazy.

I will probably have a rough build for you guys next month butt no promises. I still need to figure out a python script to export all the animations I did without pain. Sorry that it takes so long but I really want to have a solid foundation to build the game on top of.



Take your time bruh. Sounds swell


You should take your time, it shows that you're passionate about the project =).


"butt no promises" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


No probs, keep up the good work! Good to hear you found a way to animate taking off clothes, that sounds like a great addition.


Seriously don’t worry about it. We’re just here for the ride


Any progress? I can't wait for next build


Hang in there buddy! MERRY CHRISTMAS XXX