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A comic page featuring Trok and Diego, early in the 'storyline' of the game. Diego is encouraging Trok to stand up for himself some, but at the same time he's worried these guys are going to get in trouble under his watch.

Have I mentioned in this timeline, Diego's day job is "highschool music teacher". Remember when I drew Diego if he was light and science class? I was like "You know what? That sounds like fun." Since he tends to slip into that mentor role. 

Plus, Rex and Apollo learning to dance!

Updates: I'm working on this month's ICFOS pages - which should be the work of the week! There will be a little bit of radio silence while I do that, but I might do some streaming for warmups!

I'm also working on the next SMQ MS picture, and a Stardew thing!




High School teachers are a hardened bunch. They need to be.


And we say very unteacher-like things when kids aren't around.