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Flustering Harvey is the pastime of a whole town. You can't change my mind.

A suggestion by a patron, done during the stream!

(Incidentally, much as these pictures be like, ohhh, medcheck sexy haha, I feel I should make a PSA that, though I approach these humorously for these pictures, I fully encourage everyone to engage with these perfectly safe procedures-- they can be lifesaving, and there's nothing silly or shameful about them IRL, where we must treat our medical professionals with dignity! The opinions, mood, vibes presented in these images are only done for the Gigglechuckle and do not represent my opinion or position in regards to any real-life  healthcare.)




Thank you!!!


You always draw Sam so amazingly! Love that hair ❤️


Gosh I love his dumb cheeky face


Mad respect for Harvey! Poor guy's just trying to do his job.