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Hey guys! I hope you had a great Turkeymas! If you were good, the great turkey will come down your chimneys tonight and lay his eggs in your stockings, bringing comfort and joy. So I've heard. I don't have a chimney.

Anyway! Some announcements and reminders!

> Working on behinds the scenes stuff

I can't show you yet, but I'm doing plenty of art for upcoming SMQ content! Because of it, there's some backstage magic going on.

> Sick Leave/Early Holiday

So, I was in the hospital yesterday. I'm okay, but I'm going to have surgery later this week. As such, any plans to get productive for the end of November aren't looking so feasible. Thus, I'm going to start my holiday/December break a little earlier so I can prepare for surgery/recover better. As such, going into the most important part of this:

> Reminder: Stick around! December pack is CHUNKY and full of goodies! 

If you're currently subscribed, you'll be getting this pack by December 6th! However, if you stick around for January, you'll get the corresponding pack from 2020: at certain tiers, that's hundreds of pictures! No better time to catch up on my art and comics!

P.S: If you're on the $12/16 tier, make sure to request your old packs before Dec. 6th as well.

Thank you all so much for your support! I'll be seeing you soon!




Good luck with the surgery!


Stay safe and get some well deserved R&R, my dude!


Good luck with your surgery! You've definitely earned some R&R.


I'm really sorry to hear about your health conditions! I really hope you get better soon and I really wish you the best. I hope you have a wonderful week ♥️♥️