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- 2 phase animation work (I hope you can try it yourself without a preview :D)

- Illustrated face correction, Priest 2 phase illustration added 

The battle is almost over. Now I am focusing on the h scene.

On the 20th, the test version goes up normally.

Below are the plans for the future.

- Add 4 scenes(It will be divided by phase and victory or loss.)

- Background work... I hope there will be time left after finishing the h scene and battle scene.

- Next character sketch

About King Slime sponsors

The King Slime reward will be prepared with variations of the h scene.

Please use the character voting board!!

Thank you to everyone who sponsors. I will work harder.




I feel like her hit box is huge. like im standing behind her when she is in the air and comes down and i still get him. like what?