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Announcement! For those already get Term50


You know there is still half of the sketches I not yet finish, right? So I feel want to finish that half on next month, May2022. And label it as Term58. Meanwhile I am in progress outlining those left sketches. Here my plan......

- Next month will be Term58, anyone that want to get full content, please pledge 7usd, or 17usd.

- For 5usd patrons, you can't get full content. Only 1 or 2 pages. But you can just change to 7usd on next month, since now is using pay upfront. If you change now, you might become pledge 7usd on April. So I recommend do it on May.

- I not yet finish all. I will use the rest of the day and whole May to do this. I will post the complete work one by one.

- After pass May, I will remove the content from post. Only left 1 or 2 pages for 5usd patrons to continue viewable. Every qualify May patrons based on my bill statement, will get a download link if you missed on download it. And also, if I didn't get to finish whole Term58 on time, the rest of the work will sent via link too.

- Anyone that want get Term58 after May, will cost 10usd. For it already become past term reward. And only available when I fully complete it.

- Hunk poster and coloring sketch will pause on next month May




中文翻译 下个月5月份,会是Term58。有拿到Term50的,会知道哪里还有一半的草稿还没完成,我想在Term58完成它。以下是一些须知事项 - 想在下个月,5月,Term58里拿到全部的图的,请选7usd或者17usd。


- 5usd的用户,只能看到1或2张的图。不过你能在下个月时才改价格,因为现在是pay upfront了(现时付钱的系统吧)。如果你现在换,反而会变成是在4月给了7usd。应该是这样,所以下个月换比较好。 - 我还没完成全部,我会在接下来几天和整个5月来画这个。然后一张一张的把完成品po出来。 -五月过完后,这些图会从贴子移除,只留下1或2张给5usd的能永久在patreon观看。然后根据账单,所有在5月符合资格的人,会给你们一个下载链接,因为会有人错过了在贴子还在的时候遗漏了收图嘛。假设我没能在5月里完成全部,剩下的部分也会通过下载链接来给。 - 错过5月,在未来想买Term58的,就会是10usd的价格。因为是past term reward了。还有只在我真的全部完成了才能出售。


- Hunk poster 和 coloring sketch, 就平时的5或7usd奖励,会先暂停。