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Happy Chinese New Year for whoever that celebrate it. 

I will have a holiday around this season, and might not able to handle the patreon message or request on this time. I shall be back on the 2nd week of Feb. The preparation of CNY is quite distract me from focus in drawing actually. So hope after this I will have more time to continue my drawing. Basically I will like to finish my Redd and Darky story first.



I heard that people who draw consume a lot of mental(mind) energy. So sometimes, I reckon that it's very helpful mentally to put down a lot of thoughts and spend time with family comfortably. Have a comfortable and happy Chinese (Lunar) New Year!(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


Back from cny. Well, this time cny because need help a lot of thing, didnt consume much mental energy but involve many physical work, so use a lot HP. haha


That's sad news.(つ﹏<)・゚。I pray that there will be something to cheer you up in your daily life. Sometimes or more often, I hope you draw something happy and fun that you(Sir, D) like, not for Patreon! Take your time to recharge and I hope to see you in the next update with your fun picture, artist Destor!