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I think need to make this announcement before I try doing it. 

To explain it, the billing system now, is you make a pledge on this month, and the payment process on next month. And the bill statement month is showing previous month. Example, it is already January 2022, but the latest bill I get will write December 2021. 

From what I check, by change to pay upfront, your pledge payment will directly process. And the bill statement show the exact month we are in. By doing this, people that purchase past term reward don't need to wait a month for payment to process.

I like to do it long ago, but that time, the pending reward still there. I am worry if I do this change, it will mess up those old bill statement history. Then I can't give the reward according the bill statement. Now the last pending reward, Term39 and Term40 is already done and delivered. So its time to do it.

And so... brace for impact! 



So I want to check to make it clear, for example, if we bill on Jan 2022, then that means we will be eligible for Term Jan 2022, not Term Dec 2021, right?


In the old situation, if you pledge on 5th January, it need wait till February to process the payment. And then on February, I will get the bill statement stated January.


Here I try explain in another way in what I know. (I am quite confusing too)


In old situation. Example I make announcement said next month Feb, I will make image set in theme xxx. You wish to get this xxx on next month. So you need to pledge it now on January. So when the payment process on Feb, I will see it as qualify. And give you the reward. But if you only make the pledge change on Feb, this pledge will become payment on March. So you missed the xxx.


In new situation. For you to get the xxx image set on Feb. You don't need to pledge on January. You can do the pledge while really enter Feb, and in everyday of Feb is qualify because the payment is give on the spot. That is what I understand. I hope it is right.


For now I didnt make any term image set yet, the impact of mistake should be low. The Hunk poster and color sketch I did for every month is all keep on patreon post. As long it is not involve dropbox deliver, it should be fine.


Ah I understand now, thank you for the explanation. I missed some of the old term back then because of the old billing system so I am very happy with this new change.


Some update, so I already changed to pay upfront. And I already get a all new bill statement stated as January 2022. So basically, it wont completely messed up the old bill statement history.