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The art-slave stream will happen on Thursday the 28th of May at 15:00 to 00:00 CET! I'll be streaming it on  https://picarto.tv/TheFakeSpacefur  and anyone who's interested is welcome!

Tier Ganguro and Queen of Succubi will be able to comment (or whisper) suggestions as I draw, just let me know your patreon name when you join so that I can confirm that you're from there.

Gonna be interesting to see how it goes since I've never done an art slave stream like this before!



Going by comments, this is going to be one hot mess. xD Not against it, though.


It's gonna be fun. Really gonna be interesting to see how things turn out. ^^ Agree on comments. It's more fun to work something out together and add to eachothers ideas. :)