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Hayasaka's animation scene file ready!


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This is awesome! Your best work yet imo. Question, have you thought about using displacement maps for jiggle effects? It seems like a lot of creators are using them now, it might be a good way to add some realism. Great stuff either way!


Thx ^^! In fact, at the beginning I was going to use displacement maps for jiggle effects, if you check the timeline you'll see the part that should control this, but in the end, I preferred to use KUTTS shaders for the character, and you can't use displacement maps if you use KUTTS shaders (or at least for what I was trying did not work). However, I have used displacement maps in other scenes like Asuna's scene, I still have to get better at using displacement maps though, but yeah I will use displacement maps for more scenes.


Good to hear! I think your scenes still look great regardless, but I hope to see some extra jiggle in the future lol!