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This month's Jester Card reward is a very sexy new outfit for Clover! And with that, we're getting very close to the last of the Jester Cards. I do plan to have one more for May, but I think that's the last one because~.... PAPRIKA TRAINER GETS RELEASED IN MAY!

Yes! The official launch of the game will be in May. Most of the coding / writing is done and I'm just waiting for art assets at this point. So what's next for the Patreon? More info on that on Friday!

This month's update isn't going to be all that special. It's mostly bugfixes and getting things ready for release. There's no new story / content because I didn't want to show it off without having the proper art assets for it.

Aaaaaanyways, more info this Friday. Thank you all for your support!




so keen for this. game looks amazing


Really glad to hear that the game is almost ready for release, I hope you can share more details about it on Friday.