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Black is the new yellow for Alex! This month we've got a sexy new piece of underwear for our loveable airhead. As always, the reward will become available when the next update hits (on the 26th).

What's in this month's update?

Let's talk about the state of the game at the moment. Although I thought had a pretty smooth launch, it turns out there were TONS of bugs in it. So I've mostly been fixing those this last month. Yup, it's a dreaded bugfix update. HOWEVER! Before you tune out, I do plan to have these new things in it:

  • Clover animation (finally found a new animator who's currently hard at work on it)
  • Modelling overhaul (beta). I thought the modelling minigame you got new is too bland and uninteresting. So I've been working on overhauling it. With it come more quests from the librarian girl at the mall.
  • Melody & Sam CG. Yup I was a tease last month. But this month I promise the new lesbian Melody + Sam scene.
  • New bondage suit for Sam. 

Although not the biggest update, but what is there is very juicy! Oh right and a ton of bugfixes of course. A more in-depth update will be given on the 26th. So stay tuned!



Zitronen tee

Clover animation? This 2020-1 year thing is shaping up to be less of a trainwreck than I feared!


I cannot wait! one of my favorite games currently




Well, as seen most of your time was spent on fixing bugs... I wish further development went smoothly))