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Time for the foolin' month and its own personal minicomic!  Whatcha wanna see?


-Suggest an idea for a tiny (1 or 2 panel) comic about any of my characters, or even just generic characters!

-If you like someone else's idea, give their comment a like to vote for it!

-Whichever suggestion gets the most likes is the winner, and will become REAL!

-I reserve the right to veto any ideas that feel inappropriate



robin or a guy on a date with his gf. both people get genderswapped by cursula


The Clawson fangs raid the local gym locker room exposing the steroid shrunken dicks of the gym bros

Silver Tongue

jack in the box that turns people into clown milfs

Darren Forest

He chuckles, "You mean the Chaos Fem-eralds?"


The cheetah artist from https://www.patreon.com/posts/slippery-sissy-46413256? is doing more research, this time on bunnysuits for easter

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

The real Easter Bunny gets forced to work a "night job" to make ends meet. This of course means dressing in slutty clothes and dancing for perverts at a magical animal brothel


Pepe Le Pew getting gender bent and having huge hanging breasts and fat ass and then playfully enjoys getting "chased" by a muscular bull guy with her breasts boucing as she runs.


Cursula is pranked when she tries to feminize a masculine mark that was actually a femboy in a brosuit.


Cassie's mom visits for Easter and shows the Clawsons what it means to be head hyena.


Maybe Robin getting back at the Hyenas with a water bucket over the door was not going to pay well for him after all. (spoiler: they dress him up good and tie him to a lamp post for it)


Robin transforms into a busty jester because they got hit on the head with a cursed jester wand!


Some male fox cracks an Easter egg, and becomes an Easter sissy, in a pastel colored dress, in an Easter basket