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thank you for suggesting and voting!!




Just gorgeous m8, from the reflection to the waterfall and the character, truly a masterwork!


Good work but for chist sake, if there was one we really didn't need to see from the back it was this one. Been waiting for this one and holy shit am I majorly disappointed.

Mommy Emily

Dam CSR 😳🍑


A breathtakingly beautiful sexy thicc gorgeous masterpiece of pure flawless perfection my god emperor of awesomeness friend! The setting is amazing and incredible and the elf goddess is lovely! *yetihug*


Beautiful! ❤ 🙏 🙇‍♂️✋🍑


When I compare your work from now and in the beginning, I can't be helped but amazed by leaps and bounds your improved. :D Great Job!


Wow the quality of this one is sooo good. Almost looks real. Awesome job mate 🙏🏼


Damn, I guess we’ll never see another piece of a generic elf girl ever again


Weird I don't see a big ass in the whole picture. Speaking of which those breasts aren't very size accurate for the character. I guess there's no telling for certain because we can't even see them. What a let down.

Straw Hat Sailor

Didn't ask + Don't Care + Seethe + Cope + L + Ratio + Big Elf Ass is Big + How about you accurately scale deez nuts


The biggest titty character finally wins a poll, (the biggest titties in any poll) and you draw her from the back? And scale her tits down? What is the point?