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It's been a while since I've updated my Patreon, and I really should do something more significant with this, but the problem is that in my current situation I actually have extremely little to offer as rewards, so I feel kinda bad about just putting up donation amounts with no rewards.

However, since I was able to accomplish getting a new tablet, and my highest goal has been tackled for months already, I've decided to set up some new goals, some of which will give me the means and methods to start properly giving back!

I've also edited the current reward tiers and added some new ones - they're temporarily simplified, and will probably remain so until I get the initial bit of server space rented and set up. Until we - as a community - figure out what we want to use this server space for, be it a game server, a website, storage, bot stuff, or some combination of these things, I won't actually know what sorts of proper rewards I can offer. As part of this, I've removed the art sketch reward from the $5 tier, because it would seem that traditional art is probably not the best thing for me to offer when I rarely do it. Only three of the available slots ended up taken anyway, and I still intend to complete the requested sketches, but it may still take me quite a while to properly get to it.

Patreon doesn't really provide a sensible way for me to offer offer art as a reward anyway - it just doesn't have any sort of structure or modeling to support commission-based rewards, and art is something that I should really stick to taking commissions for when I actually have the time and willingness to do art for other people.


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