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After hearing some feedback, I wanna make sure people get more bang for their support!
Here's an updated info for the projects!

GFF (GryphonHearth Film Festival)
Lifetime Support Required 90

GFF Bonus Animation Loops and Posters
-New Exclusive Video (May or may not be delayed)
Lifetime Support Required 90

-New Exclusive Video
Lifetime Support Required 90


-New Exclusive Video
Lifetime Support Required 90

Somewhere between September - November
-2 Big Projects will now be Publicly released! This is separate from the Exclusive Video!

After hearing people having a hard time to catch up, now's a great time to catch up to the latest projects! The 90 jump is just a time thing, it's not big, it's just revealed too early!



OK I must have read your original post wrong I was wondering Why I couldn't get the animation loop in The StarFox comic to work. Capping Your lifetime support requirements (for now) givers lower terr Patrons like me a chance for my lifetime support to accumulate further and it "could" get You more Patrons.


I already do have rewards for new patrons, it's the Monthly Rewards I post every First of the month