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Good day, Patrons!

It has come to my attention that my files can have some long-lasting effects on some people, and there is a high demand for a Deprogramming file among everyone who has listened to my content (which includes Gumroad buyers and non-Patrons who have access to my Free files).

Because of this, I have decided to push that out this week without relying on a vote for it, and it will be immediately available to the public. The winner of the vote this week (Naughty Nurse!) will come out next week!

I care about the safety, well-being and comfort of my listeners. In addition to this update, I would like to iterate: you can always contact me any time to discuss anything that you may experience after listening to my content. Don't be afraid to bring me any questions, comments, or concerns regarding my content.

I Love you all and appreciate your understanding! 💕



I really appreciate your work and taking care of everyone around you❤ This is totally fine by me. Mommy is so powerful that she needs to make a file to stop her spell💋


I will say listened to some big name hypnotists a lot and smaller VAs and you are the FIRST to ever have an effect outside of trance. This is a good decision for your channel! 👏🏼


Ohh! I'm excited to be able to cum again!!!! I had 8 days to go but I'd be so glad to get out sooner!