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Hello Caro here, sorry for the long silence.

Nauxus & Thane's Bonus scene is still in WIP.

The CGs for the sex scene were finished a long time ago and as you can see I'm adding more stupid chibi artworks.

To be honest the more I procrastinate the more I get upset about the audience reaction after release, so I'm involuntarily trying to add more content and then yep, because it takes time so I procrastinate even longer, vicious circle.

The bonus scene will be released this month, and then version v0.23 will be made public.

I'm sorry, hope you can understand.

Here are some short peek.




Why... Are they censored?


Stupid chibi nothing those are adorable. I love seeing them 😍


Aww that man nauxus was waiting for eyvind to return


Don't beat yourself up! It's not like things in the world are running smoothly 😁. Cut yourself some slack 😁

Kevin Gomez

wow they Look not Half Bad At All


I am just grateful for all your hard work and effort in every update, especially the one coming up with the new bonus scene


I love on how Caro honestly, shamelessly admits that he procrastinates his project. LOL 😂


I think the chibi art in the game is really cute, pls keep making them

Grey Wolf

I for one am very satisfied with everything you have been doing. I will ALWAYS want more content but that's because the content is so damned GOOD. LOL. But you are human. You can only do so much at a time. You do great work and as I have gotten older I have started to learn patience. LOL. Ignore the bad and concentrate on the good.


I personally think you're doing an amazing job! It's hard to always be pumping out creative content