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v0.21c-bug fix:

-Polished the yeti top CG a bit (more extra content will be added into this scene in the next version)

- Protected Einar from being harassed by some naked perverts.

-Add the Chinese translations to v0.21(中文翻译已更新至v0.21)


v0.21b-bug fix: 

-Fixed a bug that some Android phones could not perform any operations in the main menu 

-Fixed the bug that some music could not be played normally on the Android version

 -Fixed the bug that can't enter the scene when you flirt win the yeti.


Happy Lunar New Year here is the update log.

====New Main quest====

【Kin's Test】

- Kin has a test for you, better talk to Kith to start the test.

New Sprites:  Kith & Kin

【Rasmus's book】

-Talk to Rasmus, see if you and him have anything in common.

-Will be triggered the day after u talked to him

====New side quest====

-Hint: Look around at night and find something strange.

-Hint: Talk to Einar and he might take you somewhere

====New dialogue====

- New text for Kith, Kin and Einar

====New scene====

【Defeat Yeti】

Note from Caro: I'm currently using the old computer in my hometown this month, the screen's terrible chromatic aberration is not good enough for me to complete the CG which will be reworked when I get home.

===New  music:====

New music by Hanon for village.


Link your account to Discord here first:  https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps

Download in discord (above tier$3 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/608391695435956279

Cheat code (above tier$5 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/701627642943766571
Art-pack   (tier$10 only): https://discord.com/channels/603852425140633631/701629285001199687




Now you've got my full undivided attention 😍 guardian doggo time 😁


Poor Einar before v.21c :( And here is a life hack for you, if you want to keep harassing Einar, don't throw your v. 21b version :)




Why the link can't open