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Hello, Caro here. 

February 1st is Lunar new year, and I'm now on the train back hometown.  

The V0.21 update still has a small part to polish. 

I'm not sure if I'll be able to have a relatively quiet creative environment when I get home (you know, annoying relatives and kids, be pushed to get married ASAP, family meeting time, etc.) 

I don't know what I will meet this year so I'll need to get town first to judge if I can finish this time's update in time.  

I also have to stay in my hometown until mid-February.  

So I temporarily paused charging for February 1st.  

If I could release v0.21 before the  Patreon charge.  

Well that means I still have a stable creative environment in my hometown, then I'll resume the February billing cycle again and there will also still be a update v0.22 in February. 

If I can't, then it means I can't have tge create environment in my hometown during the Lunar new year.  

Then I'll keep the February charge paused and update v0.21 in the first few days of February.  

(This also mean there will be no new update this month because I don't think I have enough time to finish it, after all, February only has 28 days too)

I will use this time to rest and spend with my family.

Sorry for the announcement and hope u all have a happy new year.



"Get married ASAP" Lol! 😂😂😂 And that annoying kids part, I feel you. Have a good holiday.


I see as here also another holiday, have a good celebration and good rest then


That fine, we can wait. Have a nice rest!


Happy New Year!


happy new year!


Happy new year and have a nice trip!




happy lunar new year