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Weekly Stream 31: MIDINOUS, Alternative Sequencing

Exploring Nornec's top secret passion project: Midinous. A Node-based, circuit-style sequencer. And join the next round with our community! https://www.patreon.com/bennjordan #electronicmusic #musicproduction #synthesizers



I didn't get a chance to watch the whole livestream (and likely won't for awhile) but I tracked down an old version of Midinous when it was written in Ruby and tried it out. I'm guessing it's come a long way since then :)


Indeed it has! I'm the developer of the Ruby version and rewrote it in C# using the .NET framework and Monogame. In fact, it's now available to wishlist on Steam!


Great! Wishlisted :) If you’re interested in beta testers I’d be more than willing to help out 👍