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Hey y'all!
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm in production on an NFT video after a few weeks of research. (since I've been doing nothing but digging through the crypto world, I'm holding Tezos, Cardano, and UMA lol).

I'm burning through it a bit faster now as some peers are being pressured by record labels to jump on the NFT train and wanted some citation behind their objection. I think realistically, Monday or Tuesday will be when it's done as I still have a whole lot of animation to do.  <3



Nice! I hope you do a nod to NFT v Vinyl which is worse for the environment!


Looking forward to see how you digest the subject :)


Awesome, thanks Benn! Will be really useful to have a vid to point to


The labels are trying to get in on it too? Interestinggg. Also, hey y'all! New patron here. I read you guys have a discord server eh? Anybody have a link? 🤠


I compared NFTs to the old school scam: Purchase of land on Mars! This is at least valid for selling the URL to Jack’s first tweet. The embedded file does not make a huge difference.


At this point of the discussion I rather ask myself which is worse for my mental health. Vinyl never made me question my sanity.

2020k RJ Kozain

Looking forward to this. I've also felt some sort of self-pressure to jump on the NFT train since so many buyers are pouring money into the hands of artists and I've desperately needed any form of music funding for God knows how long at this point. Overall, I honestly don't feel that it's worth much in terms of artistic and environmental morale, especially for those higher up on the totem poll, but being on the bottom, I won’t do it, but it is very tempting to do some sort of one-off..