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I feel like I didn't make anything terribly useful in the last VCV Rack stream. This time I'm going to try to make a generative patch using free modules, then post the patch files for the "preset" tier in case they want to recreate a similar patch but don't want to follow step by step.  :)

Ask any questions here and I'll get to them at the beginning of the stream!


Weekly Stream #8: VCV Rack - Generative Edition

Let's talk about making a patch that makes music for us, and let's try doing it using all FREE modules. This stream brought to you by my Patrons! https://www.patreon.com/bennjordan



I am wondering if it might be helpful to choose your modules before the stream so you have a system that you are familiar with beforehand. I think that could help you not have to dig into your large library and get lost with modules you don't know well. I enjoyed your last stream but I think it might help keep things organized and get the results you want easier. I tend to use preset systems I created in VCV rack to help me with the exact same issues.


I've been making what I call "generative" patches in VCV a lot lately too. Where is the line between "generative" and...not, in your opinion? It's all just semantics of course, but the term is used a lot as if it's meaning is objectively clear and I don't think it really is.


How simply (small # of devices) could you queue up long delays in key+mode changes in a generative setup? Super long square or stepped lfo? Low tempo sequencer? Switches? All of the above, or something else entirely?


I've been trying (not too hard) to make a homeostatic patch in VCV. To have a system that finds it's way back to a pre-defined base line after putting it out of balance it in some way. And maybe even have it oscillate around the bas line before it finds it way back. It could be tempo, pitch or just about any musical parameter, I guess. Somewhere along the line I always get confused and lose my way. Would love to see if you have any ideas of how it could be done.


What is the minimum number of modules you need to do an interesting (multi-layered) generative modular patch?