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Y-your lips?!?!?!


LiW 1x10

Watch "LiW 1x10" on Streamable.



fun fact (35:55) when Yu makes Fujiwara cry and she starts to hit his insecurities, they put out the song, the name of that song is Failure XD


About christmas and cancer. When huge life threatening event hits really hard (in 97% of times) you will always see parents behind you to support you no matter what. Thats the time that all grudges, annoyances and other grievences get dropped. Sending you extra warm with blanket hug to you and your family! (not your middle sister tho)(ok, her too)


Ahh i relate, I came out as trans a year ago and my family got so hostile and aggressive, not to mention the threats and (almost) physical violence. I come from a religous muslim family too. Now a year later we're in some limbo of them ignoring me / ignoring that It happened since I still live with them while im in uni XD

Joey Cat

It's beautiful to hear you have such a supportive family Alicia, and with friends like Ant at your back I know your going to get through this. Thanks for the uploads and can't wait for more, stay safe :)

Sven Hegenbart

Ishigamis rant are super fun but there is a reason why he has this opinion Also props to the story to reflect on the situation


Man when my family skipped Christmas it was because we were dirt poor. Glad we both got them back.


Thank you for being here with us Alicia. Don't feel ashamed for telling us about your personal life and struggles. I hope telling us that has lifted weight off your back and are happier as a result. We all love and support you!


I totally agree with you in most situations to just get back out of the bed and slip away, but have you considered how insanely soft her rich sheets gotta be? Just sayin', if anyone's going to have the most "never escaping this bed" comfy sheets, it'd be her. Also, they make a point to mention he'd been running on no sleep by that point.


As long as sharing is good for YOU, that's all that matters. I'm SO glad you have a good supportive and accepting family, especially coming from a Muslim background! People in your situation(s) are at extremely high risk of such devastating outcomes, from complete ostracization to honor killings. I can hear the love in your voice when you talk about your family, and it warms my heart.