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LiW 1x9

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-if you had to convince someone without spoilers; is this that good?


I haven't watched this show before, but I think Mother's Basement did a 1hr non-spoiler video talking about it - it certainly convinced me


made my mum steak for her b-day, alicia does love is war twice in one day an i get to watch the reacc with my dope meal? 1000% Goated love this content!


The VA for Kaguya is so good at changing from Ara Ara to Baby throughout this show. When I saw that she is the same VA for Paimon in the JP dubbing, I couldn't hear it until this episode. Yup, baby kaguya is paimon

John Spartan

I had zero experience with romcom anime before Kaguya. Season 1 rolls out and I watched it because of all the fuss in Reddit, I gave it a solid 7/10. Then I spoil myself and got me curious, so I read the manga. Now is one of my favorite series ever. The manga is great and the anime elevates everything even further.


I see nobody talking here about this, but music and music edits man.... Its one of best in anime industry. My favorite tune is on 8:38 of this episode. The song name is failure XD But it always has great non intrusive beats that just hypes up the show


alright, i'll add this one to my queue; i already know some deep spoilers just from its popularity but it should be fun ta watch since its so highly acclaimed


OST for season lasts 1h lol. Thats a lot for anime

Joey Cat

This is one of my favorite episodes! Knew your reaction to the bed scene would be hilarious XD. At this point my favorite character is definitely the Prez, Thanks for the reaction <3


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-81PSoMeTUM OST for season if anyone wants background tune

Reiko Lupus

Hayasaka is without a doubt one of the best characters in a series that is completely full of absolutely fantastic characters XD.


Hayasaka wants Shinomiya to be happy, and is quick to catch onto how her and Shirogane feel, and she really just wants them to both accept it and stop these games.


Real talk, at some point I had been wary of giving this show a go, because someone described the bed scene in a very misleading way, like Shirogane took advantage of her or something. Luckily, our distinguished president would NEVER! I guess him staying in the bed at all is what was taken that way? Dunno, can’t remember well.


This show has fucking amazing soundtrack. Random romcom nonsense becomes the most intense shit ever with some of the tracks! The direction and the narrator certainly help!


Just binged all 9 episodes! didn't think I would enjoy this as much as I did.


Lol quick to catch on? Kaguya uses her in all of her schemes! She is intimately familiar with the mind games Kaguya is playing and just wants to cut the bullshit and get them together.

Robert Vanek

Later it's revealed that the maid "Lies as easily as she breathes". The maid wasn't putting Kaguya in any danger