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<3 wooo!! more Attack on Titan!


AOT cooking

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Andres Lozano

I’ve only seen 2 of these OVAs so the music at the end with Jean helping Sasha made me laugh that’s the epic “peace is possible” music haha


mappa is season 4


Have never seen these OVAs, this one felt like a massive food wars parody lmao, even has a meat obsessed character like sasha


these are the moments that make you sad upon rewatch


You believe Armin is the most relatable character. Meanwhile i'm out here being relatable to Sasha. Also i'm surprised you had no reaction to Sasha being cute at 19:04 because that was honest to god the cutest thing ever. Sorry i just love my country bumpkin potato girl so much!


Armin is often used to speak for the audience so it makes sense she thinks that. But Sasha is very likable on her own so that’s good lol


Idk how true it is, but I read that when Jean found out how many people die in the scouts, he decided to be a dick to his mom to make her hate him so when he died, she wouldn't feel as much pain

Alopex The Wanderer

Offscreen Sasha definitely stripped that boar to the bone like a school of pirhana. There's a good chance she ate the bones too.


sounds like something he’d do. Unfortunately that’s not how people work lol


Thought something similar😭but he's a kid atleast so I can understand him thinking this kind of plan was mature to him


Studio Wit are the people who animated AOT seasons 1-3. But the show switched studios because Wit was taking on too many ambitious projects at the time to have their usual talent work on the next season AOT right away. The IP holders wanted episodes in production ASAP to keep up with fan hype, so Mappa took over.