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JJ 3x30

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Whats Ant's main in smite? i usually play Danzaburou.

James Decker

The people complaining about you calling Kakyoin Jotaro's bf aren''t going to like the next episode lmao


I heard of Bellona from a Percy Jackson book, when I googled her I found her Smite art and her trailerw

Yagi di Hoshi

Kakyoin & Jotaro are a fan-favorite ship

Siva Stealth

Ant do be hittin it on the nose with the smite references. Every time I heard something that made me think of smite, he mentioned it :(


She has so many red flags and i don't care i'm ignoring ALL of them! I can fix her? More like i don't want her to be fixed!


The amount of time I've heard Alicia say "I'm a pacifist but I'd beat their ass" makes me think she's not really a pacifist lol


I prefer to play Smite over League (I don't play either now though) but HOLY HELL is Smite boring as shit to watch... Combat games are still the most fun to watch for me, especially Tekken


The stalls opened all at once since the locking mechanism is made of metal, so when Joseph walked by the doors, it opened the locks

Alexandre Géhin

I tried smite a bit but I really couldn't get used to the 1st person, too used to LoL's 3rd person


"She's like a bull--she sees a red flag and charges right for it."