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I got a BIIIIIIG list of stuff I gotta do :3 I'm just one gal who does every aspect of the channel so it's a little difficult to balance it all. I know I'm wild and post daily n stuff but it makes me really happy and it's amazing to become apart of so many of your daily routines.

^u^ I just wanted to take the time to say I'm so happy and announce to you the new series that WILL NOT BE SHARED WITH YOUTUBE YET. ONLY YOU HERE ON PATREON WILL KNOW FOR NOW. PLEASE DO NOT TELL PEOPLE! End of November going into December I will be starting Jojo's bizarre adventure with my best friend Ant. The other series that I will be doing solo and starting is Vinland Saga and Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. The final collab series I plan on doing? The Boondocks with my friend Klcoma. 

My other series I am currently doing will continue. :D Attack on Titan, Avatar, and Chainsaw man are my main priorities. I'm trying to finish some of my shorter series before jumping into the new ones listed above. I've been delaying love is war because I have so many things on the go ^u^ gonna try my best to juggle it all! haha. I want to finish Vinland Saga before the new season comes out in January though same with Vox Machina.


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