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The exclusive image set for $5+ patrons from last month is out now.

If you pledged $5 or more during the month of July and did not receive a message with your image set let me know!

Also, things are getting back to normal from the 1st of September!

Thank you very much for your continued support!





Oh por dios! Oh por dios! OH POR DIOS! <3


Hey, i had to unpledge in the middle of the month more so to get the card i was using paid off(credit card bills piled up on me) and i was pledged during July. will i still be able to get the reward? if not its cool i understand


Beast Boy!!!


Ah man!! XD Days like these i wish i hadn’t pulled back on funds earlier. Curse money! XD Dude, SO happy to see you’re giving the green boy the love he deserves!! <333


Damn, I'm a month late to check this reward and the file is already deleted 😭 Is it possible to get it again or better wait for Gumroad I guess?