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The Form To Fill To Get A Key For Growing My Grandpa! 


just putting this at the top so its the first thing you see :)

Hey everybody, sorry Ruins Of The Human Temple is taking a bit to come together, it's probably the game I have written the most for and so I have just been going over everything making sure I like all the writing + editing anything that doesn't make sense/ is not within the feel of the game. With that being said, I am going to try to get it to you soon but also I don't want to rush it because it's a very special story to me and I feel like if I rush it it'll not be as good as it could possibly be. Whenever I feel the pressure to do rushed but sloppy work I remember the Shigeru Miyamoto quote about how "a delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is forever bad." I have had the idea for ROTHT for a long time so i would really like to do it justice.

With all that being said, I definitely am on track to get Growing My Grandpa! to you all in time for or even before Halloween. Because of the tone and content of that game I feel like it will be perfect for this time of month. Going to post more about GMG!'s game mechanics in a bit, they're delightfully horrific

I still have yet to get a lot of responses on the google form btw so I am posting it again here 


also posted it again at the top just so it was visible. 

Thanks again everyone and sorry for the delay. 

As always I am infinitely appreciative of your  support,




No worries man. Keep doing the good work!