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For the second reward this month I bring you a tale of two ladies. Without giving too much away... there will be boobs.

This BE (and AE and some other kinks) image sequence runs at a whopping 67 images, so while it's not the longest, this month is probably the biggest combined output when you include the animation for the first reward.

You can find a Zip version, PDF version, a clean version, and an unused BE sequence from the story attached.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their support throughout September. At our peak, we hit over 1800 patrons, which aside from being completely amazing also puts us on our way towards the next (and new) community goal, of 2500, where I will start to invest in motion capture equipment for my animations. We'll bounce down at the end of the month, but it is still a record high and I'm incredibly grateful for all your support.

In October my current plan is a longer animation that will be in a different sort than what we've seen before - the first episode of what could be an ongoing series. Beyond that, I will also be starting the 3D work on the new Luca chapter for The Pill. So I'm pretty excited for both! 

Catcha then.




So cooool 👌


Very nice. Only thing I wish there was more of was scenes of Olivia "availing herself" of her new assets as referenced in the story.


It is true, thinking about it there could have been more about it in the story. My initial thought was to keep the momentum going, and that the idea of her doing it may be more sexy in the reader's mind's eye, but it could have had a panel or two depicting it as well. Maybe I'll do something small detailing it for a MWM. Some DLC for the comic, if you will.

Brittany Bovine

This is an interesting concept! I like it!


This is probably just a personal issue, but I find starting them off as infants to make this uncomfortable.


Hi Robin, I understand your discomfort and gave careful consideration during the creation of this piece. It is why I made no images of them growing up - they go straight from babies to of age adults (as indicated by both reaching for alcohol). The problem is I saw no convincing way to convey "twins separated at birth" without actually showing the separation. However I don't want anything getting in the way of people's enjoyment of my work, so if you prefer you can use this alternate opener, which replaces images 1-4.: http://begrove.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Gemini_ALT_INTRO.jpg