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.20 Release is here!

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We've started to rework the game so the character icons show up in areas where there are events. This is ongoing but our goal is to eliminate random content where it leads to story advancement and put a quest link for when the player is ready to advance that part of the story.

We've also tried to eliminate as many bugs as possible. As well as add:

  • More quests to the quest system to point people in the right direction.
  • Coffee Shop is in where you can meet Raven.
  • Minor tweaks to Lexcorp
  • Added additional missing images - clothing still needs tweaking.
  • As stated above, added more context to Gotham Map to point you in hte right direction in regards to content.

We've been getting a lot of feedback on gameplay and as we've mentioned we're going to be spending the next few releases modifying the gameway to do the following:

  • Allowing a full female option early on.
  • Focus more on the collection/capturing of villains
  • Main scenes should have both a villany and heroic scene which show different content.

Thanks for playing! We appreciate the understanding as we continue to build the game!



how do you increase levels of attacks the only thing that seams to level is hypno?