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Mega Link 

We're attempting to address immediate concerns with this release and will post a longer development post later on.

Some key notes:

  • Integrated the Gotham City Map from MV which is clickable. If you can't click a named area then it hasn't been opened up yet. Stargirls Apartment is one example.
  • A lot of backend code was modified or removed. This included reverting to the 5 time intervals that were in MV vs the 7 in the previous release. 
  • Some dialogue was added in as well as the chance to receive the necklace based on choices you made in the prologue. 
  • You can grope Allison at night now.
  • Clothing system being reworked. You can see what your character is wearing on the side now in the meantime.
  • Missing images were added in, probably still a few out there but shouldn't be any important content, just scenery/background images.
  • You shouldn't get stuck in a room anymore. While testing earlier on, we noticed, very rarely, some of the code didn't seem to fully load which caused a blank screen. Happened maybe 2 or 3 times, couldn't replicate, but if you do get stuck use the back button within the Twine game to go back and do something else. 
  • Want to reiterate that we took out and moved a ton of stuff. 14.13 which we're currently working on is changing even more. This will be buggy so if you want a more stable release please hold off, but it will be better than the last release ;)

Thanks again for your support.



I played through it with a few variations, and I want to say... I am EXTREMELY HAPPY! I am thrilled that you guys made the changes you did. UI already is taking steps to looking better on the left side, and the map for navigation? FREAKING AWESOME! This is the sort of thing I was anticipating and looking forward too, and I am really thrilled you made a point about wanting to change it ASAP. Keep up the awesome work guys! :D ----- Still encountering the same bug as before, if you return to Allision after the Batgirl fight (regardless of decisions up until then) you get 2 choices: • Try to influence her to show you her tits • Hand her the cream and go to bed Choosing the second one plays the scene out as normal, you go to sleep... then you do the Barbara scene, and then get the prompt to 'Start your day". Upon clicking that, it's Afternoon in your bedroom with no choices. The only way to progress through the game is by choosing instead the "Influence" option. Also, a suggestion - could you move the EXP bars somewhere else besides bottom left? You tend to cover the prompts to continue with them and can't proceed forward until they fade away.


Most of the images are still broken and so are many of the pathways, really need to work on reviewing the game before releasing it


Yep! We’re working on a stable release. Just wanted to immediately address major issues. Going forward it will be a more diligent effort.


I get to Sunday Afternoon Sept. 1. Then the program freezes.