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Hey everyone! So, before I tell y'all what this post is about I should start by saying I've decided to take June off of Patreon to catch up! I hate taking time off because I honestly do love working but the reason for this little break is the reason for this post!

So basically I've been spending a LOT of time working on a side project that's entirely just for fun as a way to give myself some more balance and, to be frank, it's been super fun! If you follow me on my SFW twitter @JimsTweets you may have seen me retweet those first two mermaid images which were used as advertisement for Open Seas, the new DeviantArt art and role play group I'll be helming!

If it was just the art I'd probably not be as behind on Patreon rewards as I am but working with my team and having to work out world building and writing and website making has taken a lot more time than I figured 😅 So yeah, that's why I'll be taking the next month off to finish April and May's reward packs. For now though, here's some character art I've been working on! I'm technically supposed to keep them (and also my involvement in the group) under wraps until we open but I wanted to share them with my patrons g-dang it! 😤 I will definitely need to make more sexy male NPC designs though for the sole purpose of drawing NSFW content of them 😏

That being said please keep it quiet that I'm working on this project, I'm currently gaslighting a lot of people about it 😋




Your SFW art is also entertaining!


thanks for saying so, I'm always so wary of showing my SFW stuff on here but it's really fun keeping you guys in the loop!


Echoing the SFW is good too. Also, I’m excited for this project. All the designs look sweet


Oh gosh!!! I’m here for all the good vibes on your project and your characters look all gorgeous and entertaining!!!!