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No this is not a Hunger Games themed poll but the pun works for the month, no?

Hello everyone and welcome to May!!! We're back to roughly my regular schedule now (I'll try and change things up like I keep talking about when I have some more time aha) so while I finish up all the April rewards let's see what y'all want to se next!

This poll will have a bit more stakes though since I'm gonna try to incorporate more original content over purely fanart. I know that doesn't really raise the stakes in pactice but it feels that way to me at least 😅 That being said this one's gonna be a bit of a gauntlet of some all-time favourites from past polls! So let's see our champions and let's decide our favourite of favourites!

[Stardew Valley]
Beach Bum Alex working on his full body tan now that its getting warmer out 🌞

[Stardew Valley] Shane supplying Joja mart with their own brand of "milk" to rival Daydreamer Farms 🐄

[A;LoK] Tonraq and Bolin! I don't have a clear idea on what I want them to be doing but I know I love them and know y'all love them too 🧊 (feel free to leave suggestions down below)

[Pokemon] Lt. Surge feels the thunder and the lightning with some electroshock pokeplay! ⚡

[Pokemon GO] Spark and Willow video call to keep one another "company"! A repeat poll suggestion because I still like this idea so I though I'd bring it up again 📹

[DC] Superman brought down a peg with some kryptonite toys 💪

[Marvel] America's ass splayed out on Cap's shield for all soldiers to use ⭐

[Marvel] Thor chugging a pint of... something other than beer 🍺

I would have added Batman too but I wanna do Batman for a super super last minute addition to the April pack to pour one out to Phausto who got taken out by DC 😔
Also that Thor one, I won't say the specifics because then Patreon flags the post but uh... white and yellow drink variants? 😏

Anyhow, I'll let the poll run for a week, in which time I should be able to get April's rewards finished up and in that time, vote for all your favourites! We got a lot of new patrons this month so I should say for polls y'all get unlimited votes so don't hold back if you're torn!



Please, enough with captain america. Yes he's hot, but he's so excessively commonly done. I want some variety. Just my $0.02


Lmao, yeah that's totally fair! I was kinda hesitant to add him for that reason but it's been a while since I drew him so I thought I'd give the option 🤣


*throws money at the computer screen for Cap, Thor, and Superman* I'll take them as commissions if they don't get picked.


Damn right!! lol. I have my favorites, nothing wrong with that. I can see this poll means a lot to you because they are characters that are staples to your art. It's what you are familiar with and enjoy drawing. I won't complain, I'm just glad to support you. :D


Would love seeing Captain America in a massive cumflation scenario (or any of the other guys in this list, for that matter)


Tonraq....water bends....multiple dicks to stuff bolin???? ....Bolin is...metal-bending a ring of fluid water around Tonraq’s head (like a halo of liquid metal), creating magnetic fields to mind control water daddy to ride him (while he’s already cumflated) or being made to a whore and taking random earth bender cock while bolin takes him from behind


My god, I’m a fan of anything Pokémon go, I really HOPE this gets made, if not now..some other time


Have you ever thought about drawing Chris redfield 🤔🤔


A suggestion for the Tonraq and Bolin idea: since Tonraq is a waterbender, maybe he develops the unique ability to spermbend? Let your imagination run wild with that one.


I did consider adding Chris to this poll but decided to keep it to previous fan favourite! Maybe sometime soon though 😏