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Some more WIPs for y'all! I... sort of forgot February only has 28 days so I'll be doing double duty once I come back for March but I'm making progress! I'm just about at the stage where I just have to add backgrounds for most images for the December pack and I finally decided on a pose for King Shark and Constantine! I was too hung up on really showing off King Shark's double dicks but I think this works best since I can have a variant showing off his dual glory ;)

Thank you all so much for you input and kind words from the delayed November pack. I'm gonna keep it simple, focus on what I have going right now and not push myself to do even more work out of guilt which will inevitably just cause more delays, and make a good, solid pack that'll just be a couple months delayed 🤣
I think I definitely was putting too much pressure on myself to be a type of artist I just don't think I am and worrying too much about living up to expectations I put on myself. Going forward I'm gonna just trust my gut, make the art I want to make, and hope y'all enjoy the ride 😅

At the start of March I'll be posting a new poll to get things started on a bit of an easy note with it featuring some of my personal self indulgent favourites so be sure to look out for that ;) Spoiler alert, it'll be a lot of Stardew Valley and Pokemon, my bread and butter 😉



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