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Hi everyone :D 

sorry for the delay, the weather has been very hot these days, so I haven't been drawing too much, sorry :(

just simple things to practice or studying other artists, 

right now my room is not a very fresh place to draw so i probably will be drawing more traditionaor at least good enough to don't take me much time in the computer, i think is a good moment to use those prismacolors i bought some months ago :D 

anyway. i hope you like the drawings :D

also, random question, pokemons or humans for team rocket? 

i think that's all, stay safe and have some wonderful days!!! :D


sorry for bothering, i received some PM this month but when i sent the bulk message i lost them, and i can't find them in my email, so if you sent me a message this month do it again and i'll try to respond ASAP :)



best of both worlds humanxpokemon love to see jesse and james getting their buttholes blasted by pokemon dick


You have a wonderful and amazing week my god emperor of awesomeness friend! *yetihug* oh and pokemon.


Feels weird that in a world full of monsters, I prefer human on human action as all the trainers are pretty hot XD Would be cool to see both trainer and pokemon duo teaming them like Troy and Mega Swampert on Jessie and/or Connor and Lycanroc Midnight on James 😂 Food for thought 🤔 😄