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Just want to explains what's gonna happen in the next few weeks cuz I can already predict it.

Super stressed right now, I have a lot going on and a lot of things that need to get done. I have to get 18 drawings done before December 14th ish PLUS the rewards need to get finished.

What im expecting is, Im gonna get 14 of the 18 drawing done by the 10th but odds are I will not be able to get November rewards (Angel Demon, Link Urbosa, Catboy booty, Marlon x Ace) done for the 7th even though they are 90% done.

This means November rewards will probably get done for the 13th ish of December.
Idk what to say, uou guys are just going to have to trust me, I always DO get the rewards done even if they are late, I've never taken a day off in the last 6 years of doing Patreon. Everything you pay for WILL get delivered I promise, im not skipping out on anything Im just in a really tough position right now and need to get a lot done for specific dates. I appreciate all you patrons that are patient with me, I promise promise promise everyone will get what they pay for I promiseeeeeeeeeeeeee. do not worry, it is just a little late, im workin on it all. 



Hey no worries! I know im a new Patreon giver and all, but i believe you! Thank you so much for giving us an update on whats happening, i hope things get less stressful for you in time!


Sir me personally I want you to take a MUCH NEEDED VACATION!!! YOU DESERVE IT!!! Don’t stress your self out about the deadline. Thank you for working hard


I appreciate it, I really can't take a breaks though with how my life is set up DX maybe in the future

Penguin Glutton

Dont worry! We understand! Please dont push yourself too hard


no worries gasai you do alot as it is so dot worry about us


Pas de soucis prends le temps que tu as besoin pour faire du super boulot


Please don't worry too much about it, you already do so much!


Take care and take all the time you need, we can wait your mental health cant’t :))