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Hey guys I just wanted to come on here and let you know that we opened a Patreon on KodoGasai if you were interested in joining that, if not its fine I just wanted to put that out there

I also want to reiterate that I appreciate your guys support SO MUCH and I will NOT be doing any less for you guys on this patreon. Kodogasai is a separate and ADDITIONAL art practice for me, I've gone from working 9 hour days to 14-16 hour days so I promise this is an ADDITION and will not take away from GasaiV rewards. Infact this month I have 4 GasaiV sets coming + 2 commissions hopefully. Decembers going to have SEVENTEEN drawings.. yes SEVENTEEN so I hope you guys dont think im ditching you for this I just want to introduce you to this, Kodo quit his job so im trying to push that patreon alot and if you're interested in supporting that project, its there :)

Hope you guys are all doing well! 




When will this be available on Gumroad?


Yes we will launch gumroad on December 7th. Products will be the entire months catalogue just like Gasaiv, for $16


C'est un super lapin


This bunny boi always makes me smile adore him!