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Kept it simple today but it came out good!! Love him :P Full sets will be in Octobers rewards!
All designs are up for adopt too


Guys im feeling great after my second dose so Im still going strong with the drawing! I HAVE to get this one project done which I hope to get done tomorrow.. then its full force on Patreon rewards, will most likely be finished on the 9th! 




Thats awesome


Au il est si sexy il me plaît bien et en plus c'est mon anniversaire


Not sure how long you wait to post Regidrago for adoption, but by chance did someone already adopt him?


He looks great! Sometimes simple is best, because now I just want to see more of him. Also, I figured a Regi would be full on bara. you usurped my expectations! He definitely looks like he belongs in Bleach. Kind of gives me Kazeshini vibes (whom you should totally draw someday, btw)


Somehow every poketober is better than the last! You are truly an amazing artist!!